Varnett earns US Chess Federation certificate, benefits

The Varnett Public School has been certified as an affiliate of the US Chess Federation and is entitled to all of its privileges, including that of hosting nationally-rated events.

The certificate is the result of a strong showing of the Southeast campus chess club, including placing ninth out of 44 teams earlier this year in a national tournament in Garland, Tx.
The foundation benefits include:
  • Entree to the world of chess through affiliated clubs, organizations and US-sanctioned events;
  • Opportunities to develop chess strengths and establish a nationally-recognized rating;
  • Personal recognitions such as titles and top lists, and accreditation;
  • Connection with chess players around the world via correspondence chess events;
  • Support participation of U.S. players and teams in international competitions;
  • Advocacy through posting views and opinions on the website forum;
  • Improved critical thinking and social skills such as problem-solving, decision making and sportsmanship,
  • Access to current and historical chess information through the federation's website,, including electronic versions of back issues of "Chess Life" and "Chess Life Kids" publications.
The certificate was signed by Traci Lee of the U.S. Chess National Office in Crossville, Tenn.
"This certificate is an honor and demonstrates how far our students have come in achieving national attention," said Mr. Lonnie Reynolds, Varnett's athletic director. "We started the chess program just last year and have come a long way."