Prom night a musical hit for 5th graders; see graduation schedule

Dozens of 5th graders showed off their formal wear during Prom Night at the East and Southwest campuses Saturday night.

They danced, gathered in packs, ate and snapped pictures as the DJs' music kept them animated.

The events came as school is about end for the year. Graduation ceremonies are this week for pre-kindergarten 4 and 5th-grade students and the last day of school for all students is Friday, May 28.

East and Northeast students had their fun at the East campus while the Southwest students packed their multi-purpose room with excitement and energy.

At the East campus, the girls ran in unison to greet every female newcomer while they admired their wear.

At the Southwest Campus, the girls sat on one side and the boys on the other. However, when the music started they converged to the middle of the room and danced away.

It was truly a fun event for members of the Varnett 2010 graduating class.

Click here for Prom Night photo gallery.

Here is a review this week's graduation schedule:

East Campus:
Pre-K 4, Tuesday, May 25
9 a.m. East Campus

5th grade, May 25
10:30 a.m. East Campus

Northeast Campus:
Pre-K 4 and 5th grade, Wednesday, May 26
10 a.m., Grace Cathedral
9410 Mesa Drive

Southwest Campus:
Pre-K 4, May 26
12:30 p.m., Southwest Campus

5th grade, Thursday, May 27
11 a.m., East Campus
