Varnett aplenty with educational posters and banners

Walk onto any Varnett campus and you’ll see bright, colorful banners and posters in the hallways and classrooms.

They come with a message. Some celebrate the characteristics of the school while others teach lessons on behavior and manners. Still others offer valuable instructional tips to help teachers teach and students learn.

These informational and visual aids are designed to stimulate discussion in the classroom, promote interaction, recognize success and encourage behavior and classroom management. They illustrate history and current affairs and allow students to show off their creative work.

Many educators contend that the large formatting, colorful displays and strong visuals reinforce information and can improve retention.

“They complement the learning environment,” said Dora Morrow, director of the Southwest Campus. She said the bright colors are “welcoming” and encourages exploration.  and at the same time “promote behavior and classroom management.”

Take a tour through the following links to see what she means.


