The Varnett Public School Interim Assessments Meets & Masters Winter Celebration

Dear Students,

Beginning December 6th – 9th, 2022, you and your fellow 3rd – 8th grade peers will be taking the Winter Interim Assessments.

These assessments are designed to support your familiarity with navigating the online platform and engaging with the New STAAR Redesign question types. The data obtained from your performance will also support your teachers in knowing what you have learned and may still need to learn for the second semester.

We know the holiday cheer is in the air, so to further encourage you to do your best work on the Winter Interim Assessments, the Academics team has created a challenge just for you!!!!

                                               The Challenge

The campus with the highest average Meets and Masters percentages for 3rd – 5th grade, and the campus with the highest average Meets and Masters percentages for 6th -8th grade will earn a special winter celebration AFTER the winter break for those students.

Sincerely Yours,
Varnett's Academics Department