Teachers, administrators give tips on preparing for TAKS tests

It’s not too early for students, teachers and parents to prepare for the upcoming Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills standardized tests.

That is why Varnett administrators and teachers have invited parents to the campuses this week to learn about the importance of the tests and to help their children master them.

The Southwest Campus held the first session Tuesday, January, 25. The East Campus meeting is tonight January 26 and the Northeast session is Thursday, January 27. Both meetings are from 6-7 p.m.

Varnett curriculum coordinator Greta Peacock and staff provided the following tips for students:

*Pull practice tests from the Texas Education Agency website and practice, practice, practice.

*Attend the Saturday tutorials.

*Read 15-30 minutes every night and have parents ask questions about what the students read.

*Learn multiplication tables in order to advance to other mathematics exercises.

*Practice writing and stick to the subject matter.

Parents should not do their children’s homework but should thoroughly check the work before it is submitted to the teacher.
The following is the schedule for the TAKS tests:

March 1 - 4th grade writing

April 4 – 5th grade math

April 5 – 5th grade reading

April 26 – 3rd and 4th grade math

April 27 – 3rd and 4th grade reading

April 28 – 5th grade science

Good luck!

Photos of Southwest Campus meeting