Superintendent foresees no layoffs linked to state budget cuts

Superintendent M. Annette Cluff said she does not anticipate staff layoffs as the Legislature wrestles to slash state funding for public school education.

"Services will continue as always without disruption," Mrs. Cluff said in an interview. But she did say that some employees will not return for the 2011-2012 school year because of performance issues.

According to a story in the Houston Chronicle, public school funding would be cut by $4 billion over the next two years under an agreement by legislative budget negotiators.

For some districts, the budget cuts mean a possible end to all-day pre-kindergarten classes. But that won't be the case at Varnett, Mrs. Cluff told parents at various meetings this week. Those classes will continue as they have this year but enrollment in pre-kindergarten 3 will be very competitive for the next school year.

Because of the budget crisis, principals at the Houston Independent School District notified more than 700 teachers that their positions were being eliminated, although they are now working to fill some vacancies.

"We think we'll be OK," Mrs. Cluff said during a parent meeting at the East Campus today.

In fact, Varnett is seeking to hire highly-qualified teachers and teachers' aides for the next school year. Candidates may send their resumes to:
The Varnett Public School
P.O. Box 1457
Houston, Texas, 77251-1457

Pictured is Senate Finance Chairman Steve Ogden, R-Bryan