I am a parent who enrolled my son at Varnett. 2012-2013 was his first U.S. school. I salute the school for all the endeavors given to him to help him be on track and on level. At first I saw him struggle. But with the help of his caring teachers, my son was able to adjust to his new environment. He has lots of good friends.
Varnett thinks about student achievement. Because of this, there were activities held during the year to help the students. Some of these were Math Night and Reading Night. These were done after instructional time so students could personally ask for assistance in areas where they need help.
My son loves Science so much that I observe him bring home his zest. He loves to watch movies and go to websites the teacher gives the students. I have seen my son develop. We came from a Third World country and the instructions between my country and Varnett are very different. I’m glad I enrolled him at Varnett. I was the proudest Mom in the world when my son walked on stage to receive his trophy as “Most Improved Student.”
- A Parent