Varnett boys tie one on for dress and success

Earning an education is one thing but looking sharp is important too.

That’s why the Northeast Campus recently held a “Tie Wednesday” event in which male teachers and parents helped young male students tie a necktie.

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“This is the first time I’ve worn a tie,” declared a 5th grader, who received help from a Varnett staffer. In a show of hands, several  students  said they had not worn a tie before either. Mr. Evan Blanks and Mr. Ryan J. Rudd, both teachers, came up with the idea to help the boys understand a little bit about professional life.

Watch teacher show student how to tie a tie

“When you dress better you look better, you feel better and you act better,” it said on a flyer advertising the event. It can also help you land a job.

It may sound obvious but research shows that people who dress for success are more likely to achieve success. Wearing a tie with a nice crisp suit doesn’t hurt.

Ms. Toni Fisher, director of the Northeast Campus, said boys will have an opportunity to wear a tie to school every other Wednesday as part of a bigger, nationwide program called Boys to Men.

Teacher Mr. Evan Blanks explains why he wanted boys to try ties

On the initial day, February 17, more than 200 boys wore ties, many coming from home and others from the homes of Varnett staff.

“It’s very important for our young men to understand dressing for success,” Ms. Fisher said. “We want them to understand that this is a work environment and is something they will face when they become men.”

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