Excuse me, please and thank you, Ma'am

Reading, writing and arithmetic are key components of a quality education, but sometimes the intangibles can fill in the blanks.

A husband and wife team has been visiting The Varnett School Southeast to teach students the importance of etiquette and protocol. They are Mrs. Monica Lewis, founder and CEO of Monica Lewis School of Etiquette, and Mr. Darian K. Lewis, a certified etiquette consultant. They are pushing the theme “Breaking Bad Behavior – Bring Your Manners Back.”

They have been focusing on such issues as cell phone etiquette, addressing people by “sir” and ma’am,” social media etiquette and how to brand your name as illustrated by good behavior.

“Varnett students have an opportunity to shock the world,” said Mr. Lewis, who has more than 20 years’ experience in business leadership and is the chief marketing officer and chief operations officer for Monica Lewis School of Etiquette.

Shock the world? Yes, he said, because certain stereotypes follow certain people based on race, class, gender and generation. The eight sessions cover what Mr. Lewis called life skills, such as confidence, character, dining, social media and first impressions.

Watch the couple talk about the Monica Lewis School of Etiquette (Video)

Mrs. Lewis is, according to the couple’s website, “an avid believer that social presentation and behaviors are important in order to be successful in today’s society.”

The goal of these sessions is to “set the students apart as society becomes less social,” Mr. Lewis said. “We are still social creatures.”

Educators are in the business of serving “the whole child,” said Ms. Jessika Hearne, the Southeast campus director. “This program is our way of serving their social-emotional needs," she said.

The Lewis couple also talked about the consequences of bullying and referred to a new state law, David’s Law, to combat and prevent bullying in Texas schools.

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