The following persons/companies donated supplies, services and time to our staff during Varnett's beginning of year professional development:
- Katina Chimney with Coldwell Banker United: $25 Target gift card.
- Tiffany A. Williams, Author, and CEO of "Transformation 7": 2 books.
- Peter Romando with ExploreLearning: lanyards, ceramic coffee mugs with lids and office supplies.
- Candace Strother, CEO of Queen Lyfe Inc.: T-shirt.
- Omnibank: Backpacks and money pouches.
- Garret Berg with Port Houston: Ceramic coasters, koozies, beachball, leather padfolio, silver pen, crystal maritime bottle stopper, Port Houston baseball cap.
- Mia Bradford with Beyond the Busyness: Gift card for a free self-care strategy session.
- April Houston, Life Coach: 2, 45-minutes life coaching sessions of $50 value each.
- Phyllis Friello, education manager, Space Center Houston Education Programs: 4 Educational Guides.
Thanks to all for their contributions to The Varnett Public School.
Ni'Cole Gold, M.Ed
Professional Development Director