Advanced Learning Programs for High Achievers

Advanced Learning Programs for High Achievers
The Varnett Public School's Advanced Learning Program for High Achievers (ALPHA) Academy is an individualized instruction program designed to address the educational needs of students performing above grade level in Math or ELAR.
The ALPHA Academy is designed for students to have an opportunity to skip a grade level by successfully completing course work and passing specific tests in Reading and Math.
The ALPHA Academy strives to provide advanced instruction, academic mentoring, and enrichment to increase ALPHA Academy students’ mastery and support grade level acceleration needs.
In ALPHA Academy teachers collaborate with the ALPHA Academy Specialist to modify and adapt the curriculum to individual student’s ability levels. The ALPHA Academy Specialist provides weekly support through push ins (going into the classroom to provide extra help) or pull outs (pulling students out of class for extra help). ALPHA Academy students participate in Science Fair, Aerospace Academy, Project-Based Learning and the Texas Performance Standard Project to extend and enrich their learning. These opportunities will challenge students through critical thinking, problem solving, use of technology, and public speaking.
For more information, please contact Mrs. Lisa McNeil, Special Programs Coordinator, at 281-800-7736, 3CX Ext. 750, or email at [email protected].