Blog » 5 Ways Pre-School Fosters Creativity

5 Ways Pre-School Fosters Creativity

pre-k charter schools

Preschool is a critical time for young minds. Children experience a surge in development before they reach five years old. However, many children aren’t developing as much as they could be. According to UNICEF, over 200 million children under the age of five are not fulfilling their full developmental potential. Pre-K charter schools help bridge the gap by fostering creativity to enhance cognitive development. Here are a few ways they do just that!

1. Artistic Activities

Preschool offers plenty of chances for children to express themselves and learn through art. Various art materials help children explore through touch and sight. Children begin to understand the early foundation of color theory as they mix colors. Art, such as painting or drawing, fosters cognitive development, helping form the foundation children will later use for math and reading.

2. Open-Ended Activities

Open-ended activities include activities children can explore independently without rules. For example, board games with rigid rules are not open-ended activities. Blocks and rugs shaped like cities let children tell their own stories. Blocks can easily become cities, castles, or houses. These activities help encourage creativity in young children.

3. Imaginative Play

Pre-K charter schools encourage imaginative play. Classrooms have ample toys to let children pretend to be whatever they want. When children use their imagination, it helps foster creativity in every area of their lives. Children who previously could never think of what to draw are suddenly bursting with ideas and inventions. This lays the groundwork for children to develop exceptional problem-solving skills.

4. Outdoor Recess

Exploring outside is a beautiful activity for preschoolers. Children will be physically healthy while learning about the world around them. They’ll enjoy playing various games, including some they make up themselves. Preschoolers can quickly transform a stick into a magic wand or pirate sword. They’ll never be bored when they are surrounded by nature.

5. Conflict Resolution

Resolving conflicts is a necessary part of social growth. Individuals must learn to work with others while expressing empathy, and the foundation for this begins at a very early age. Conflict resolution can also help spark a child’s imagination when done correctly. Children in pre-k charter schools explore conflict resolution skills, such as talking about their feelings and learning to label emotions. This helps children learn that there are various ways to do things, further encouraging creative expression.

Pre-K charter schools are known for helping children reach their full developmental potential. Small class sizes ensure teachers have plenty of time to work with children. Contact us today to learn more about the Varnett Public School.